Uniform Basics

Your uniform (also called a “Gi”), is white which stands for “Purity”. Purity in our art, our dojo, our motives and our devotion to the Lord. Treat your uniform with honor, and demonstrate your respect for your training in the way you present and take care of your uniform.


Do not wear your uniform anywhere but to class or for practice at home. Never “play” in it.

Wear your normal clothes to and from class. Put your uniform on when you get to class. Always wear a plain white t-shirt under your uniform.

If your uniform becomes stained or faded, ask about purchasing a new one. Same with any patches, be sure they are worn correctly and look sharp.

NOTE: Be careful when washing your uniform – do not use chlorine bleach which can turn it grey.

Hair must be kept out of your eyes – tie long hair back or use a headband. (only plain white or black headbands may be worn – no patterns or colors)

YOUR BELT – CLICK HERE to watch a video that show how to tie your belt (it’s pretty cool!)

Never wash it and never let it touch the ground

How to tie your belt is demonstrated in detail in the video below.

The knot should not be pulled tight, but loose so the ends can hang down freely. There should be no twists and both ends should hang down evenly at the same length with the opening facing your left side.

If your belt has a stripe, it should be worn on the left side.


All students change, then re-enter the class and properly fold their uniforms. This is a time to quietly reflect on what you have learned and prepare your thoughts to be written down in your personal training notebook.

If you are not sure, ask an upper belt to show you how to properly fold your uniform. It is an important part of finishing your training time correctly and respectfully.


All kyu level students wear all white uniforms with a plain white t-shirt under the top.

1st-4th Dan Black Belts: black pants, white top with a black t-shirt under the top. Belt is black with appropriate stripes on left side for 2nd – 4th Dan.

5th-7th Dan Black Belts: (Shihan and Renshi) white or black uniform, or combination, with black t-shirt. Formal belt is black and red panels.


From June 1st – August 31st, students are allowed to wear a Whole Armor T-shirt in place of their uniform top.

You still wear your Karate pants and belt, just a WAMA t-shirt instead of your regular uniform top. Be sure to bring other pants so you can fold your Karate pants after class as usual.