






Last week two of our students earned their Black Belts, joining 43 others in our history at Whole Armor Martial Arts who have accomplished the same honor. That reminded me of something I read a few years ago.

“For every 10,000 students who sign up for martial arts training, half will drop out in the first month.

Of the remaining 5000, half of those will keep training through their 2nd month.

1000 students will complete 6 months before quitting.

500 will study for one year.

100 will make it to their second year.

3 will make it to Shodan.” (1st degree Black Belt)

Think about that – only *three* out of ten thousand will make it to their Black Belt!

Now let me be quick to point out that that’s not at all because of the difficulty of training, or students inability to handle the pressure or anything like. It’s most often because they just get busy, or soccer practice started, or or or…. There’s lots of reasons why people quit, but I guarantee that if you ask any of our Black Belts they will tell you that whatever it took to stay was worth it when they put that belt on that very first time.

So let me ask you: will *you* be one of those three? Join us at Whole Armor Martial Arts, and lets get started!