WHO WE ARE: Whole Armor Martial Arts is an exciting Christian alternative, offering the amazing benefits of martial arts training in a safe and dynamic learning environment based on the Truths from Gods Word in the Bible. We teach Shiho Karano Karate-do, an effective and traditional martial arts style. Our goal is to help our students become Christian Black Belts who will be outstanding leaders in their families, their local church, and the community.

WHAT WE DO: Training in the martial arts we learn tremendous and useful physical self defense skills that really work, while also focusing on the development of Godly character in the life of every student. With the Bible at the center of what we do, our hope is to point people to Christ at every class as we learn to follow His leading in every area of our lives.

AGES and COST: We accept students age 8 through adult, and have many moms or dads who train together with their sons or daughters and really enjoy it. Monthly rates are just $59.00 for one student, we have great family discounts, and once enrolled your rate will never increase! (Really!) Please click here to see our Payment page for all the details.

CLASS TIMES and LOCATION: We have several different classes for you to choose from: Monday, Thursday or Friday evenings from 6:30-8:00PM. You simply enroll in the class that best fits your schedule, and attend that one class each week. (why only one class? click here) All classes meet in the gym at Bethel Lutheran Church in Brush Prairie. The address is 12919 NE 159th, 98606. To view a map click here.

WHAT TO WEAR: Uniforms (called a GI) may be purchased at class. Light, loose clothing (sweats and plain white t-shirt), can be worn until a uniform is purchased (no shorts or jeans please).


We hope that Whole Armor Martial Arts will help you grow in many ways. If you have any further questions, please contact us (or call 360.859.4825) any time – it would be privilege and blessing to serve your family!


The monthly rate for our program at Whole Armor Martial Arts is $59.00 for one student. Additional students from the same family are just $49.00. We also have a Family Cap of $200 for 4 or more.

We do not use contracts! This is a great benefit to you, and besides, if we don’t earn your continued participation you should be free to leave at any time. Without contracts we do need some payment rules to keep everything in order and you’ll find those here.

Once enrolled your class rate will never increase! While we will have rate increases as necessary, as long as you remain current with your monthly payment yours will not increase. (this applies to your current program – enrollment in new programs or classes will be at the newer rates).

You reserve a spot in our class by paying for that spot each month, and it automatically renews the first of each month unless advance notice is given. If you wish to take time off, you must continue to pay for your class spot in order to reserve it and your current rate.

Should you terminate your enrollment or not pay for any period of time, you lose your class spot, forfeit any discounted rates, and must re-enroll at the new current rate. So as with any athletic club or other membership, the class fee for your spot is due the first of each month unless you give us advance notice that you are leaving.

In other words, you can’t get busy, miss the first couple of weeks of a month and then decide just not to come or pay for that month. Your spot has been reserved for you for the month, and payment is due. (You’d be surprised how often people want to do that! : ) The opposite is also true: once payment is made and class attended, no refund is available. 

Payments are due the first class of each month.

Payments received after the 15th of the month will incur a $10 per student late fee.

Please make checks payable to Whole Armor Martial Arts Inc. or simply “WAMA”. (if you prefer we can also accept payments by PayPal, and have automatic payments available)

A “month” is three, four or five weeks of classes. There are several five week months each year and only one or two three week months. (because of holidays etc.).

Full monthly payment is due regardless of how many classes the student is able to attend. There are no partial payments for individual classes. Click here for our Make Up Class policy.

If less than 3 classes are offered by Whole Armor Martial Arts during any month, an adjustment to the monthly fee will be made.

Other Fees

– Each January, every student pays a $10 yearly registration fee for our school’s membership in the Christian Black Belt Association.

– Each student will need a uniform for their first promotion test. They are available at class and cost $30. (no rush here – we will let students know when it’s time to have one)

– Promotion Exams are scheduled 3 times a year. Students do not automatically test every time, only when they are ready. The Exam fee is $10.00.

NOTE: The Exam fee is normally $25 per student, however we have lowered it to only $10 in hopes that you will give the extra $15 to your home church. Hebrew 10:24


If you’re reading this, we hope that means you’ve decided that Whole Armor Martial Arts is just what you’ve been looking for and are ready to get started!

To enroll in our program, first decide which of our classes will best fit your schedule. Our current class choices are:

Monday, Thursday or Friday evenings from 6:30-8PM.

Next contact us to make sure there is an open spot available in that class. (You can also call us at 360.859.4825!) Once you have confirmed space availability and reserved your spot and starting date, simply print out the Student Application, and Medical Release forms, fill them out and bring them with you to your first class.

We look forward to serving you and your family!

(Please note that each January, all students fill out new forms, and pay a $10 fee for our school’s membership in our parent organization, the Nippon Shiho Karano Ryu.)


A detailed outline of class rules and student dojo etiquette will be made available to new students at their first class – this list is an overview of some of the basics:

Be on time for class (if late, stand at the line and wait to be bowed in).

Bow when entering or leaving the classroom.

Instructors will be addressed as “Sir,” “Ma’am,” or “Sensei.”

Always answer “Yes Sir” or “No Sir” and show the instructors the utmost respect.

Pay attention. Do not goof off or talk during instruction.

Always treat others the way you want to be treated.

Keep your uniform clean and unwrinkled.

Fingernails and toenails must be clean and trimmed.

Do not wear jewelry during class. (cover with bandaid any jewelry that cannot be removed)

Students with long hair must keep it tied back or wear a headband. (your instructor must always be able to see your eyes)

Do not wear shoes in the classroom.

Do not lean against the walls.

DO practice at home. DO NOT show off or spar outside of the class except when supervised by your instructor.

Sparring Rules and Safety

All students will wear a mouthguard, headgear, gloves and footpads during any sparring. (Rib protectors are recommended)

All male students will wear groin cups. (Chest protectors are recommended for female students)

No contact will be allowed to the head, face, neck or groin except for light contact to the headgear.

Safety is an important issue that we need to address. Just like football, boxing or any other sport that can involve contact, we must wear safety equipment to help protect us from accidental injury. We have a limited amount of this gear that can be used by new students, however all students will be encouraged to purchase their own set of safety equipment when possible. Having their own equipment is not only much more comfortable, but more sanitary, and it also allows the student to participate more often in sparring exercises. Please see your instructor for prices of safety equipment.


While we hope you will always be able to attend your regular class, we also realize that sometimes things do come up and you will need to miss. Here are some guidelines for using our Make Up Class program:

* Each student can request one make up class each calendar month. Make up classes will be assigned by the use of “Make Up Cards”, which will be required to attend a different class then your normal one.

* A student must be in good standing with all class fees paid and current before requesting a make up card.

* Make up cards can be requested in person at your regular class, or any other class.

* Please do not call or email and ask for a make up class.

* Make up cards must be requested prior to the class you would like to attend. (in other words, you can not miss your class, then show up unscheduled at another class and ask to attend it as your make up)

* If you are sick and forced to miss a class without notice, you may request a make up card at your next regular class.

So for example if you attend the  Friday afternoon class and miss, you could stop by before or after class on Monday and ask for a make up card to attend the next Thursday class.

* You may request a specific class to attend as your make up class, however depending on a variety of factors, the Sensei can determine at any time which classes are available for make ups, and which are closed, and will let you know the options at the time of your request.

* Make up cards can only be used for the assigned class that is written on your card. If something comes up and you can not attend that class you forfeit your make up class for that month.

* Make up cards are not transferable – each student must request and use their own card.

* You may not build up extra make up classes by not using one during a month. We hope you will attend your regular class all the time – the make up class is a courtesy that should be used only if really needed.

* We also reserve the right to change or even withdraw the make up class program completely if it is abused, misused or determined to not be in the best interest of our program and/or our students.

If you have any questions, please contact us by clicking here, or call 360.859.4825